** UPDATE: June 15. Up to 50 spectators allowed now. Please remember to stand apart still.
Our June 26 Dressage show will be able to go ahead with up to 50 spectators. As always, this depends on current PHO at the time but we are full steam ahead and accepting entries.
Come join us for some low pressure Dressage Schooling shows in the relaxing atmosphere of beautiful Campbell Valley Park.
In 2021, Dressage Schooling Shows will be held on April 25th (Sun), May 15th (Sat), and June 26nd (Sat) and September 18th (Sat).
- All entries must be emailed in pdf format. All payments must be by e-transfer (best), PayPal or credit card through PayPal. All entries must be finalized prior to being included in the show schedule. Absolutely no exceptions. If you don’t have a way to digitally sign your form, you can print and scan as pdf. There are free apps available for your phone if you don’t have a scanner (I use TinyScanner).
- Upon arrival, please check in with the show office so that we know that you are here
- Please minimize your time in the park as much as you can to make room for the next trailer to arrive and to reduce the number of people present.
- We will not be handing out numbers. We will be using StartBox for entries and scoring and emailing out your time and numbers. Please use your own bridle number or you can make a number with a piece of heavy paper like a file folder or cereal box and a felt pen.
- If you win a prize, please use the hand sanitizer provided before selecting one from the table. Only touch the one you want to take.
- If you prefer, your test will be scanned and emailed to you.
- The toilets have hand sanitizer available on the outside wall.
- There will be additional parking available for competitors in the upper parking area.
The fillable 2021 Entry form and waiver are available here. 2021-Dressage-Entry-Form CVES (pdf) or 2021-Dressage-Entry-Form CVES (Word). If the links don’t open the form for you, please email cves.ca@gmail.com and we’ll send it to you.
Entry Secretary : Marilyn Gregory,
email: gregmarilyn@shaw.ca Phone: 604-371-0587
Show Organizer is Janeen Penner email: janeenpenner@gmail.com
Phone: 604-897-0005
Entries for each show close on the Sunday before at 6 pm
Emailed entries MUST be in pdf format. NO PHOTOS of ENTRIES ACCEPTED.
We are using StartBox for this show. You will be able to check your entry status and results by clicking here .
Links to download the Dressage tests are below. ***Please note: You can now use Equestrian Canada Dressage tests for all levels. All HCBC and EC tests except for Eventing tests and Walk-Trot will be in the 20m x 60m ring. You can request other tests too as long as you send in a copy with your entry or let us know where to find it online. eg HCBC tests, Pony Club tests, Western Dressage test, etc. You can also do FEI tests like PSG and Para-Equestrian.